News from the Simoska Research Lab

June 2024 – Congratulations to our PI Olja Simoska for being selected to receive funding through USC’s 2024 Advanced Support for Innovative Research Excellence (ASPIRE) program. Congrats to all other 2024 ASPIRE recipients.

May 2024 – Congratulations to graduate student, Courtney Weber, for being selected to receive the 2024 Electrochemical Society (ECS) Joseph W. Richards Summer Fellowship!!! So proud! Well-deserved. Read more here.

May 2024 – Congratulations to our undergrad researchers, Sophia Woytowitz, Maeve Lembke, and Reese Lycan for receiving research grants from the South Carolina Honors College! Great job!!!

April 2024 – Congratulations to our undergrad researcher, Savanah Belt, for winning first place in the 2024 Discover USC poster competition! Way to go, Sav!!!

April 2024 – Savanah Belt presented her research at 2024 Discover USC!!! Great job, Sav!

April 2024 – Congratulations to undergraduate student Savanah Belt for receiving the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Award and USC Outstanding Senior Award!!! Congratulations to Addie Meeker for receiving the Victor Laurie Junior Year Scholarship!!!! And congrats to Gracie Anderson for receiving the Bouknight Scholarship!!!! Way to go, Sav, Addie, and Gracie!

April 2024 – Congratulations to our undergraduate student Reese Lycan for being named a 2024 Truman Scholar!!! Fantastic job, Reese!!!! Read more on the Truman website and check out the USC story.

April 2024 – Congratulations to undergraduate student Natalie Strom for being selected for both the Magellan Scholar Research Grant and the Magellan-Mini from the USC Office of Undergraduate Research. Great job, Nat!

April 2024 – Congratulations to our undergraduate student Savanah Belt for receiving the 2024 Caroliniana Award!!! Great job, Sav!!!!

April 2024 – Congratulations to first-year graduate student Megan Whisonant for receiving an NSF GRFP honorable mention. Great job, Megan!

March 2024 – Check out this news story, titled “From orientation to the chem lab: incoming students connect with research through new initiative” from USC’s College of Arts and Science on our Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI) Program. This program has been truly remarkable. We are delighted to spearhead this initiative with the Hosseini Lab (USC, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) and witness the burgeoning development of budding researchers!

March 2024 – Our PI, Dr. Simoska, attends the 2024 Spring ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA, presiding over the session “Advances in Analytical Chemistry” with Dr. Amir Hosseini, Dr. Vignesh Sundaresan, and Dr. Hang Ren.

February 2024 – We are excited to share that our undergraduate student researcher Reese Lycan, who’s an Honors biochemistry major, has been selected as a Truman Scholarship finalist! Congratulations Reese, way to go!!!!

February 2024 – Our PI, Dr. Simoska, attends the 2024 Pittcon Conference in San Diego, CA.

February 2024 – What will you do as a student in the College of Arts and Sciences at USC? Check out this video: we are excited to see our undergraduates Nat and Emma and graduate student Courtney in this video. 

January 2024 – Our lab receives a College of Arts and Sciences Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Enhancement Program Award funding Savanah Belt’s undergraduate research in the lab.

January 2024 – Our PI, Dr. Simoska, attends the 2024 GRC Conference in Electrochemistry.

December 2023 – Welcome to our four new first-year undergraduate students through the Undergraduate Research Program (URI) Jessica Bunge, Maeve Lembke, Sophia Woytowitz, and Helen Vrouvakis!!!! We are very excited to have you!

November 2023 – Congratulations to Courtney Weber on her first first-author paper acceptance!!! Congrats to co-authors Olivia Clay, Reese Lycan, and Gracie Anderson!!!

November 2023 – Welcome to our four new undergraduate students Natalie Strom, Addie Meeker, Emma Vagnoni, and Brienne Hingst!!!! We are so excited!

October 2023 – Congratulations to Courtney Weber for passing her second-year proposal plan!!! Great job!!!

October 2023 – Welcome to new first-year graduate students, Olivia Clay and Megan Whisonant!!! We are so excited to have you join our research team!!!

June 2023 – Welcome to our high school student researcher Cyndy Martinez-Garcia who is part of the ACS Project Seed Summer Program at USC!!! Welcome, Cyndy, we are so excited to work with you!!!!

May 2023 – Our research group attended our first conference, the 2023 ECS Meeting in Boston, MA. Dr. Simoska presented an invited talk on the metabolic engineering of model microorganisms for improved microbial fuel cell performances at the ECS David C. Grahame Symposium. The 2023 David C. Grahame Award in physical electrochemistry was awarded to Dr. Keith J. Stevenson!!! Congratulations, Keith!!! Very well deserved!!!

May 2023 – Congratulations to our undergraduate students Olivia Clay and Emilee Brockner on their graduation from USC. We are so proud of you!!! Emilee is headed to the Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences program at Thomas Jefferson University – we will miss you!!! Olivia is staying to work in the lab with us!!!!

April 2023 – Congratulations to our undergraduate student Savanah Belt for being awarded the Betty R. Fudenberg Undergraduate Biomedical Research at the University of South Carolina!!!! Very well deserved!!! Great job, Savanah!

April 2023 – Welcome to our new undergraduate researcher, Gracie Anderson!!! We are excited to have you in the lab!

March 2023 – Congratulations to our graduate student Courtney Weber for being awarded the Joseph W. Bouknight Teaching Award by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina!!!! So very well deserved!!! Great job, Courtney!

January 2023 – Congratulations to our PI, Dr. Olja Simoska, for being elected into the Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC) Board of Directors for 2023-2028!!! For more information, please see

December 2023 – Welcome to the newest undergraduate student Reese Lycan!!!! Excited to have you join the team!

September 2022 – Welcome to undergraduate student Emilee Brockner! We are happy to have you!!!

September 2022 – The Simoska lab welcomes the first graduate student in the lab, Courtney Weber. We are SO excited to have you on our research team!!!

August 2022 – Welcome to undergraduate students Savanah Belt and Olivia Clay. Happy to have you on our research team!!!